26 October, 2010

How are you supposed to cope when there's rocks falling down onto your head, big rocks. Heavy rocks, but they don't give you the pleasure of being knocked out, on the contrary, they wake you up, having to deal with so much falling down onto your head, trying to sort everything that's going on untill another stone smash down onto your head.

People I've loved and lost keeps returning to me, people I've lusted for and lost, are returning. And people that have loved and lusted me. Everyone scratching for a place inside my head, to be meaningful again. And I can't take it. I thought I wanted them back, I thought I missed them. I'm not so sure anymore. I'm confused, exhausted, scared, and I wish i could live in my bed, safely between my white covers. I don't have more of me to share, more of me to give away. I need it for myself, or I'm gonna break,- at last.

Can no one be trusted?

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